The Virtual Darts League
Rules & Guidelines (Free League)
1. Season Rules
1a. 10 Player League
1b. 1 game p/w
1c. Home & Away Fixtures
1d. Win:2 Points Draw:1 Point
1e. Games = BO10 - 501 SIDO (BO8 Silver & Bronze)
1f. Home player throws first
1g. The table will be posted twice per week, a Sunday and Thursday. 1h. League placing will look like the below
1st & 2nd =Promotion
3rd =Promotion Play off vs 8th of the League above
4/5/6/7 =Safe & remain in same league
8th =Relegation Play off vs 3rd of League below
9th & 10th =Relegation
2. League Rules
2a. Leagues are average based. Any new players are placed based on their last full months average.
2b. Game timer to be set to minimum of 60 seconds
2c. Camera must be on at all times If it fails pause game until fixed
2d. Screenshot of result to be posted by WINNING player (or home if its a draw)
2e. Games once confirmed MUST be posted into relevant channel
2f. Any confirmed games not completed within 2 hours of the game time, will be investigated.
2g. Games must be completed by 10pm Sunday
2h. Admins decision is final
3. Game Planning
3a. Plan your games in your game planning channel. This makes it visible.
3b. When trying to get hold of your opponent, tag them using @”theirname” , this will give them a notification, admin can trace who has made an effort to arrange.
3c. Be proactive in arranging your game, do not leave it until the end of the game week. Players have other commitments and we need to respect that.
3d. If you have tagged your opponent on 3 or more occasions, on separate days, with no response, advise your league captain, who can use our activity bots to check a players status. Your captain will then DM the player, who will have 24 hours to respond, before being removed from the division.
4. Game management
4a. A game is only classed as a confirmed game when it is posted in your leagues’ confirmed games channel with a time and date. If it is not a UK time, then the time zone needs to be stated.
4b. If you know you are going to be late for a confirmed game, please give at least 1 hrs notice. We can then allow for the game to be rescheduled.
4c. If you being late for a confirmed game, makes the game unplayable for your opponent & they cannot reschedule, then your opponent will be awarded a forfeit win as the game had already been planned.
4d. If your game is not posted in the confirmed games channel, then the game does not exist, meaning no action can be taken.
4e. If your game has not been posted in confirmed games channel, but you and your opponent have agreed a time and date & one of you does not show up, NO wins will be awarded, then if the game runs over the game week, it will be awarded as a 0-0 which means a loss each. If the game is not in confirmed games then it does not exist.
5. No Shows
5a. If you have a game confirmed & your opponent no shows, please allow 15 minutes and inform your league captain, who will award a forfeit win
5b. If you are the player who does not show, you will be awarded the loss & you will be awarded a strike for the no show.
5c. If you get 3 strikes in one season, you will possibly lose your league place. The outcome will be decided by the Admin team.
5d. If your no show is caused by something out of your control, rendering yourself unable to inform anyone, i.e hospitalisation, then please get in touch with your division captain as soon as you are able to do so, where it will then be put in front of the admin team for a vote.
6. Warning & Strikes
6a. If you receive 2 warnings, this will automatically be converted into 1 strike.
6b. If you receive 3 strikes, you will immediately lose your place in the league, depending on severity, the admin team will decide if a ban is necessary.
6c. Warning and strikes will be cleared at the end of each season, however will stay on your player record.
7. Cheating
7a. Any incidents of cheating proven to be true, will result in an immediate ban from the VDL network, meaning both the premium & free servers, we will also share this information with any partners we have which could affect the wider network.
7b. Decisions made on cheating are made only with undeniable evidence, i.e recording of games.
7c. All decisions on cheating are put to the admin team who will vote on if they think it is cheating or not. We will act on the majority decision. Decisions on cheating have to be made by more than 1 person.
8. Player Dropouts
8a. Players who drop out or are removed, will be replaced.
8b. Players who come in as a replacement, will inherit the results of the player who left, however, their stats will be cleared.
9. Camera Rules
9a. No Camera = No Game - If the camera goes off during a game - follow rules 13.
9b. We recommend all cameras are at Bull Height and approximately 1 Meter away from the board.
9c. We highly encourage the recording of all games, keep the footage for 24 hours & then delete it if there are no issues. 9d. You MUST post your Cam Check in your leagues Cam check room before the season starts. 9e. Target Virt camera also accepted
10. DartCounter Etiquette
10a. All scores over 100, high scoring darts must be pointed out clearly for your opponent.
10b. If any dart is obscuring the view of another high scoring dart, remove the dart so your opponent can see.
10c. ALL double finishes must be shown to your opponent on camera along with any treble that makes up the check out.
10d. There is no practice throwing allowed whilst your opponent takes their turn. This will be classed as Cheating. Do not throw until your opponent has entered the score and the camera view has switched to your board.
11. Target Omni
11a. The VDL permits the use of the Target Omni Auto Scoring System.
11b. If the Omni makes a counting mistake, it is to be rectified BEFORE removing your darts.
11c. If using an Omni, both the rules for Cameras & DartCounter Etiquette apply.
11d. Your opponent Must have access to the camera view of your board.
12. VDL Server Etiquette
12a. The VDL is considered a safe place for many, we will not tolerate any form of bullying or online abuse.
12b. Any evidenced abuse will be taken directly to the admin team and sanctioned from anywhere between a warning to a direct ban.
12b. This includes any Direct Messages that can be linked to VDL activity.
12c. Treat people with respect & how you would want them to treat you.
12d. If you feel you have been bullied or abused, come directly to a member of the admin team. Please do not engage with the other member under these circumstances.
13. In Game Issues
13a. We strongly suggest that you record all games you are involved in.
13b. For any in game issues, please follow the below,
Take a Screenshot of what you see
Pause the Game
Message your opponent in game explaining the issue
Take a screenshot of said message
If your opponent does not rectify the issue, or disagrees, exit the game and report to your division captain.Do not engage in an online argument
13c.The above procedure is the only way we can accept, do not wait until the game is over to report an issue.
13d. This process applies to all games in the VDL whether it be League, Cup or Tournament.
14. Start of Season
14a. Before the season starts, you will be asked to read and acknowledge these set rules. 14b. You MUST post your Cam Check & DC username in the Dartcounter channel of your league.
14c. You will not be permitted to play until the above has been done.
15. Prizes
15a. All prizes given are optional and may be revoked at any time. 15b. The VDL offers reward in the free leagues, only when viable, and is not under any obligation to do so.​